30 September 2015

Viva: Fundamental + Characterization

Kami bertanya pasal viva, tokguru kata,
"Viva is about;
  1. FUNdamental - 2/3 of ur time will be focused (attacking) on Chapter 1 & 2 (word by word).
  2. Materials Characterization (Methodology) - 1/3 is about understanding your techniques & results (as presented in your thesis)."

Kami tanya lagi... What should we do?
Tokguru sambung...
"Not knowing what kind of curve balls examiners can throw during viva... Its can be pretty nerve wrecking and freezing. But an easy way out from this awful position is to... always go back to your undergraduate books"

Pesan Imam Syafie berkenaan 'Bahaya yg Tidak Disangka'
"Aku bermaksud baik, tetapi yg terjadi malah sesuatu yg buruk. Memang hal itu telah terjadi, akibat keburukanku juga"

1 comment:

  1. asslamualaikum dr. :)
    lama x singgah n comment...
    just nak share: bidang material mmg byk kene back to fundamental
    bidang programming skrg ni lebih kpd luar kotak and byk bergantung pada nasib...totally :) ...byk info berguna kat sini... :)
